You can find the current prices and the corresponding cancellation conditions for all our rooms online in the reservation calendar on our website under Book now
1. Area of application
These general conditions apply to all services provided by the Hotel Lenkerhof AG in connection with individual guests and room reservations (from 1 to 9 persons or up to 5 rooms). The contracts shall be based on the services agreed upon by the guest and Lenkerhof.
2. Services, prices, payments
Unless otherwise agreed upon, the prices are understood to be in Swiss francs, per person, including the VAT and city tax in effect on the date of the stay, as well as free entrance to 7sources beauty & spa with indoor and outdoor pool, sauna park and fitness centre, and non-alcoholic beverages in the room minibar. Prices in euros are calculated with the daily exchange rate at the time of check-out.
3. Advance payment
Lenkerhof shall have the right to demand an appropriate advance payment at any time.
4. Method of payment
Invoices including the full cost of the stay are payable at the latest on the day of departure in cash, debit or credit cards.
5. Guest’s liability for damage
The guest shall be liable for any and all damage caused by himself, his children or his pets.
6. Liability of Lenkerhof
Lenkerhof shall be liable for loss or damage of introduced items only if caused by intent or gross negligence of its employees. If Lenkerhof must be answerable for third parties, it shall only be liable in case of fault.
Lenkerhof's liability is expressly limited to the payments by its liability insurance. Any additional liability is expressly excluded.
Lenkerhof shall be liable for valuables and cash only if these items are kept in the hotel safe (max. CHF 1’000.-) or were handed over to the reception desk against receipt. Lenkerhof shall not be liable for damage caused by acts of God.
Liability claims expire if the guest does not notify Lenkerhof immediately upon learning of a loss, destruction or damage. No custody contract exists if the guest is given a space in the hotel garage or on the hotel parking lot, even for a charge.
Lenkerhof shall not be liable for loss or damage of motor vehicles parked on hotel grounds, or their contents, unless the hotel is answerable for intent or gross negligence.
Communications, mail and merchandise for the guest and its guests shall be treated with care. Lenkerhof shall deliver, keep in custody and, upon request, against a fee, forward them. Claims to damages not due to gross negligence or intent are excluded.
7. Cancellation periods
This concerns the cancellation or shortening of a reserved stay. To avoid inconveniences, we recommend taking out travel insurance. The following rules apply in case of a room cancellation: any cancellation must be in writing under specification of all the involved guest names. A cancellation within 7 days of arrival is free of charge (except February and Christmas/New Year period with 21 days). If a cancellation occurs after this period, 100% of the booked arrangement will be charged. The same rule applies for a reduction in days, a delayed check-in or an early departure.
8. Final clauses
The place of performance and payment is the location of the Lenkerhof. Basis of the introduced general conditions is the german version of « Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen ». All possible translation errors which might appear are replaced by the german version.
1. Area of application
These general conditions apply to all services provided by the Lenkerhof alpine resort to sponsors in connection with conferences, banquets and exhibitions and room reservations (starting from 10 persons or 5 rooms). The contracts shall be based on the services agreed upon by the sponsor and Lenkerhof.
The sponsor's general conditions shall only apply if this has been agreed upon in writing in advance by Lenkerhof and the sponsor.
Rooms reserved for events shall be available to the sponsor only at the times agreed upon in writing. Use after the agreed period is subject to prior approval by Lenkerhof management.
2. Services, prices, payments
Unless otherwise agreed upon, the prices are understood to be in Swiss francs, per person, including the VAT in effect on the date of the event.
Prices in euros are calculated to the daily updated rate. This also applies to services rendered and expenses incurred by the hotel for third parties in connection with an event.
If the period between the final reservation and the actual service exceeds 6 months, Lenkerhof shall have the right to charge the prices in effect when the service is rendered.
3. Advance payment
Lenkerhof shall have the right to demand an appropriate advance payment at any time. The amount of the advance and the payment terms may be agreed upon Indemnity under point 13.
4. Method of payment
Invoices are payable in Swiss francs within 10 days without deductions. The sponsor shall be considered in delay if the invoice amount has not been transferred within this period. If a delay has occurred, Lenkerhof shall have the right to charge the current legal delay interest of 5%. In such a case, the hotel may reserve proof of additional loss. To balance the invoice on-site, credit cards are not accepted.
5. Third party performance and disbursement refund
As far as the hotel organises technical equipment or other third party services for the sponsor at its request, it shall act in the name, upon the authority and for the account of the sponsor. The sponsor is responsible for all expenses which have been made by the Lenkerhof at all time.
6. Withdrawal by Lenkerhof
Lenkerhof shall have the right to withdraw from the contract if the sponsor, after the conclusion of the contract and before the use of the services, makes considerable changes in the contract such that the lease of the premises is no longer economical from a business point of view.
Lenkerhof may cancel an event if it has reasonable grounds for assuming that the event might endanger the smooth flow of business, safety, or the company's reputation, and if misleading or false statements have been made on essential facts.
7. Technical equipment and connections
If Lenkerhof obtains technical and other equipment from third parties for the sponsor at its request, it shall act in the name, upon the authority and for the account of the sponsor. The sponsor shall be responsible for the care and treatment and proper return. It shall hold Lenkerhof harmless from all claims of third parties related to the obtainment of such equipment.
8. Loss or damage of introduced items
Items introduced for exhibition or other, including personal items, are in the rooms used for the event and in the Lenkerhof at the risk of the sponsor. Lenkerhof assumes no liability for loss, destruction or damage.
Attaching decorative materials or other objects shall be subject to prior agreement with Lenkerhof, in order to avoid damaging the walls. The sponsor shall guarantee that decorative material in particular complies with the fire regulations.
9. Sponsors’s liability for damage
The sponsor shall be liable for damage caused by its guests, employees or agents. Lenkerhof may demand the termination appropriate insurance policies.
10. Liability of Lenkerhof
Lenkerhof shall be liable for loss or damage of introduced items only if caused by intent or gross negligence of its employees. If Lenkerhof must be answerable for third parties, it shall only be liable in case of fault.
Lenkerhofs liability is expressly limited to the payments by its liability insurance. Any additional liability is expressly excluded.
Lenkerhof shall be liable for valuables and cash only if these items are kept in the hotel safe (max. Fr.1.000.-) or were handed over to the reception desk against receipt. Lenkerhof shall not be liable for damage caused by acts of God.
Liability claims expire if the sponsor does not notify Lenkerhof immediately upon learning of a loss, destruction or damage.
No custody contract exists if the sponsor is given a space in the hotel garage or on the hotel parking lot, even for a charge. Lenkerhof shall not be liable for loss or damage of motor vehicles parked on hotel grounds, or their contents, unless the hotel is answerable for intent or gross negligence.
Communications, mail and merchandise for the sponsor and its guests shall be treated with care. Lenkerhof shall deliver, keep in custody and, upon request, against a fee, forward them. Claims to damages not due to gross negligence or intent are excluded.
11. Overtime and music
The music entertainment can be chosen individually, if the Lenkerhof is booked exclusively. If not, the provided musicians can be asked to extend the playing period. The surcharge will be calculated per hour.
12. Introduced food and beverages
In principle, the sponsor may not bring food and beverages for events.
13. Indemnity
The organiser may terminate the contract in written form with the consequence that, depending on the date of termination, compensation will remain to a varying extent.
In principle, the cancellation deadlines of the offer signed by the organizer apply. The obligation to pay compensation refers to the agreed lodging price (for events without overnight stay, to the agreed food and drink prices) and to the agreed seminar package or room rental.
Exclusive reservation of the Lenkerhof and Bühlberg
Days before the event | Cancellation fees |
120 days | 25% of the booked services |
90 days | 50% of the booked services |
60 days | 100% of the booked services |
Seminars and weddings
Days before the event | Cancellation fees |
90 days | 25% of the booked services |
60 days | 50% of the booked services |
31 days | 75% of the booked services |
14 days | 100% of the booked services |
Banquets with overnight stays
Days before the event | Cancellation fees |
60 days | 25% of the booked services |
31 days | 50% of the booked services |
14 days | 100% of the booked services |
Banquets without overnight stays
Days before the event | Cancellation fees |
7 days | 50% of the booked services |
5 days | 100% of the booked services |
For the compensation obligation in the event of cancellation less than 8 days before the event (day of arrival), we will charge an additional 50% of the lost food and drink turnover. Changes in the number of persons are only possible within the scope of 5% up to 7 days before the start of the service. After that, the loss per cancellation will be fully charged.
10% of the booked rooms can be cancelled free of charge up to 14 days or 21 days in February before the start of the event.
If the offer does not contain any information regarding cancellation, the following cancellation conditions will come into effect, according to the above mentioned conditions.
For a notice period the indemnity shall be minor to
120 days | 25% of the booked services |
90 days | 50% of the booked services |
60 days | 100% of the booked services |
14. Final clauses
The place of performance and payment is the location of Lenkerhof. If individual clauses of these conditions governing events are ineffective or invalid, the other clauses shall remain in effect. The legal stipulations apply for the rest.
Basis of the introduced general conditions is the german version of ‘Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen’. All possible translation errors which might appear are replaced by the german version.